What we do
We deliver a range of free, confidential services to families and individuals, either in your home or at locations in Warkworth and Wellsford.Feel like it’s time to make changes to your financial situation and you need help to achieve your goals?
Our free financial advice can help:
- One-on-one budget advice and support
- Negotiation with creditors
- Work and Income issues
- Restructuring of debt
- No Asset Procedures and Summary Instalment Orders to avoid bankruptcy
- Group presentations
Free Budget Advice in Warkworth
Come to our free drop-in clinic at Auckland Council Service Centre, Baxter Street, Warkworth. A budget adviser is available for free financial advice on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Mobile Budget Advisors
Our mobile budgeting services cover Warkworth, Wellsford, Snells Beach, Matakana and surrounding areas from Puhoi in the south to Mangawhai in the north.
Get Money Help
Either make an appointment by calling 021 423 788 or 09 423 7123 or call
One on one budget advice and support
Negotiation with creditors
Work and income issues
Restructuring of debt
What are No Asset Procedures and Summary Instalment Orders?
Your adviser will work with you to determine if you should apply for a No Asset Procedure (NAP) or a Summary Instalment Order (SIO). If you owe less than $47,000 and can repay some of this debt, then an SIO is the likely outcome. If you owe between $1,000 and $47,000, cannot repay any of the debt and have no realisable assets you can apply for a NAP. Your adviser will guide you in this as there are consequences of both of these procedures.
Group presentations
If you belong to a group and would like budgeting advice call our office and ask for a budget adviser to attend a group meeting and give a presentation.