Call in to our free budgeting clinic Tuesdays from 10:00 to 12:00 at the Auckland Council Service Centre on Baxter Street, Warkworth, or. phone our co-ordinator on Mobile 021 423 788 or landline 09 423 7123. Thanks.

Free Budget Service

Warkworth/Wellsford Budget Service

We cover Warkworth, Wellsford, Snells Beach, Matakana and surrounding areas from Puhoi in the south to Mangawhai in the north.

Helping you
make ends meet

We're here to help

Our trained budget advisers are experienced in helping people manage their money and reduce debt

Sort out your finances

We’ll meet with you to identify your budget needs and help you make a budgeting plan.

What does budget advice cover?

A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.

  • One on one budgeting & debt management support
  • Budget and budget planning
  • Help negotiating debt with creditors
  • Group presentations
  • Support for Work and Income meetings

Who is budget advice for?

New Zealand is a great place to live, but it’s not always an easy place to live in. More than ever before individuals and families are struggling to make ends meet.

Everyone’s circumstances are different, and our specially trained budgeting advisers have the experience and knowledge to match our services with your needs.

Whatever your budget needs are we can help find a solution.

How does it work?

When you contact our office, you will be assigned a budget adviser experienced in your needs and who can help with money management.

The budget adviser will contact you and make a time to meet at a venue of your choice. You can come to us in Warkworth, or we’ll come to your place.

They will ask you about your situation and what documentation you may need to have for the first meeting.

We cover from Puhoi in the south to Mangawhai in the north including Warkworth, Wellsford, Snells Beach, Matakana and surrounding areas.

How long will the session take?
Depending on the complexity of your situation the first meeting should take 60 to 90 minutes and will fit in with your needs in terms of work, school, or family commitments.

Subsequent sessions should be shorter.

Do I have to travel to the appointment or will the adviser come to my home?
Our advisers are mobile and will come to your home if required or meet somewhere else if that is more comfortable for you.
What do I have to do if I sign up for the service?
You will be expected to work with the adviser, to keep appointments and to fully disclose your financial situation and be willing to make changes to the way you manage your finances.
What if I don't like the adviser I've been assigned?
People aren’t always compatible and if you find it difficult working with your assigned adviser just call the office and a new adviser will be assigned to you.
How confidential will my information be?
Your information is totally confidential between you and your adviser.
Will my adviser be a support person at Work and Income meetings?
Yes, your adviser can attend Work and Income appointments as a support person.
Will my adviser help me negotiate with my creditors?
Yes, your adviser will be able to help you work with creditors on more flexible and affordable repayment terms..

Goal Setting

It’s important to set goals that are SMART

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound

Debt Management

We can help you manage your debt repayments and negotiate with creditors including NAP and SIO procedures if required.

Community Services

We can work with you to find the help you need from other services in the community


We can help you gain the skills you need to manage your own finances